Behaviour Policy


Behaviour Policy



Review Date


Review Cycle


Review Due


Author / Owner

Adam Bradford

Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners – Hereafter referred to as the DSL



In the community of Winchelsea everyone is important. Winchelsea is a place where everyone feels welcome, has a voice, is safe, able to achieve and have fun.


Winchelsea promotes a framework that uses a variety of approaches to address challenging behaviour. This framework emphasises the importance of adults having the skills and confidence to maintain control of any situation through calm, positive actions, communication at all times and offering clear options.


At Winchelsea we promote the use of positive and effective intervention strategies with pupils.


It is important to ensure that all adults working with pupils are clear about their role, in order that their own rights, and those of the learners in their care are protected.


Winchelsea as an employer, acknowledges its responsibility for the health and safety of staff at work. Staff at all levels need to be confident in their ability to meet their responsibilities in managing challenging behaviour. They also need to be safe.


This policy is based on advice from the Department for Education (DfE) on:

It is also based on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice.

In addition, this policy is based on:

Behaviour and discipline in schools: guide for governing bodies - GOV.UK (

Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, which outlines a school’s duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils.

Sections 88-94 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, which require schools to regulate pupils’ behaviour and publish a behaviour policy and written statement of behaviour principles, and give schools the authority to confiscate pupils’ property.

DfE guidance explaining that maintained schools must publish their behaviour policy online.

Behaviour Principles Written Statement


This section is not policy or practice, rather it is a statement to set out the broad principles and values with regard to behaviour that is both expected and promoted within the school.


Actual, practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher, who will view each case in light of these principles and any relevant policies. The Governing Body is aware and approves of this statement, believing it accurately reflects the school’s ethos and that effective learning and development relies on good standards of behaviour.


  • The school’s primary concern is the safety, wellbeing and education of all pupils, with the intention of upholding their wellbeing and academic progress, as well as fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities;
  • All members of the school community must be treated inclusively and be free from any form of discrimination or prejudice;
  • The school will create and maintain an atmosphere and ethos of tolerance, equality, diversity, respect, understanding, kindness and a sense of citizenship throughout the school community in everyday practice;
  • All pupils, staff and visitors should feel safe in the school environment at all times through a high quality of care, support and guidance;
  • All pupils have a right to fulfil their greatest academic and personal potential and feel they are valued members of the school by both their peers and school staff, and should be free from bullying, discrimination and distracting peer behaviour;
  • Positive behaviour around school is to be acknowledged;
  • At Winchelsea School, we want to foster a community and collective ethos amongst all members of the school and promote values of caring, empathy, teamwork and coordination;
  • In cases of continuous and persistent challenging behaviour, regardless of how sustained and disruptive, the pupil’s out-of-school circumstances and special educational needs and disabilities will always be taken into account. Comprehensive support is given – suspensions and exclusions are to be used only as a last resort where other measures fail;
  • Any kind of violence, threatening behaviour or abuse between pupils, or by pupils/parents/carers towards the school’s staff, will not be tolerated. If a parent/carer does not conduct themselves properly, the school reserves the right to ban them from the school premises and, if the parent/carer continues to cause disturbance, they may be liable to prosecution.



Policy Objectives


  • The Behaviour Policy will promote the proactive use of effective intervention and strategies to self-regulate;
  • Follow Government and best practice guidance to provide a safe and caring environment for all;
  • Provide clarification to staff in relation to their role in managing behaviour in order that their rights, and those of pupils are protected;
  • It will emphasise that the use of force will always act as a last resort and must be reasonable and proportionate to the risk;
  • Explain school systems relating to social norms and expectations;
  • Provide information and measures to prevent child-on-child abuse – including measures to prevent child-on-child abuse and the response to incidents of such abuse;
  • Detail banned items by the school and for which a search can be made.




Misbehaviour is defined as:

  • Disruption in lessons, in corridors between lessons, and at break and lunchtimes;
  • Refusal to engage in learning and / or follow reasonable direction and instructions from school staff;
  • Non-completion of classwork or homework;
  • Poor attitude;
  • Failure to surrender mobile technology such as mobile phones as per the class / school expectation;
  • Incorrect uniform.


Serious misbehaviour is defined as:

  • Repeated behaviour that is contrary to the behaviour principles;
  • Any form of bullying;
  • Repeated misbehaviour, despite attempts and intervention taken by professionals to mitigate concerns raised, this includes persistent refusal to follow instructions and wear school uniform;
  • Damage to school property or resources, this includes graffiti;
  • Promotion of messages or ideologies of extremism and / or messages that are in contrast or conflict with Fundamental British Values;
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration, or sexual assault (intentional sexual touching without consent);
  • Sexual harassment, meaning unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, such as:

Sexual comments;

Sexual jokes or taunting;

Physical behaviour like interfering with clothes;

Online sexual harassment such as unwanted sexual comments and messages (including on social media), sharing of nude or semi-nude images and/or videos, or sharing of explicit content;

  • Vandalism;
  • Theft;
  • Fighting;
  • Smoking / vaping;
  • Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or discriminatory behaviour;
  • Possession of any prohibited items. These are:
  • Knives or weapons;
  • Alcohol;
  • Illegal drugs;
  • Stolen goods;
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers;
  • E-cigarettes or vapes;
  • Pornographic images;
  • Fireworks;
  • Any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil).


Any pupil that engages in serious misbehaviour is at risk of suspension or exclusion. Please refer to the Suspension & Exclusion Policy for more information.


Prohibited items

The following items are prohibited from any school site:

  • Knives or weapons;
  • Alcohol;
  • Illegal drugs;
  • Stolen goods;
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers;
  • E-cigarettes or vapes;
  • Pornographic images;
  • Fireworks;
  • Any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil).



Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.

Bullying is, therefore:

  • Deliberately hurtful;
  • Repeated, often over a period of time;
  • Difficult to defend against.

Bullying can include:




Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting.


Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence.

Prejudice-based and discriminatory, including:

·   Racial

·   Faith-based

·   Gendered (sexist)

·   Homophobic/biphobic

·   Transphobic

·   Disability-based

Taunts, gestures, graffiti or physical abuse focused on a particular characteristic (e.g. gender, race, sexuality).


Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, or inappropriate touching.

Direct or indirect verbal

Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.


Bullying that takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites.


Any incidents of bullying, discrimination, aggression, and derogatory language (including name calling) will be dealt with quickly and effectively.

Please refer to the Anti-Bullying Policy for more information.

Appropriate Behaviours


We believe that pupils want to behave well and are happy when their needs are understood and met. How pupils behave gives us important information about how they are feeling. Pupils at Winchelsea School have a wide range of needs with a range of communication needs. Supporting pupils to effectively communicate is an important way to promote them to self-regulate and behave in an expected way.


Pupils can learn to improve their behaviour. Pupils at Winchelsea School find learning difficult and learning new behaviour is a task, just like learning to read or write.




At Winchelsea School we are committed to the positive prevention of challenging behaviour and we aim to work as a school wide team to support pupils and their parents/carers. We do this in several ways and within class there is a focus on positive praise and reward. All behaviour practice is positive with sanctions supplementing only where absolutely necessary. There is a consistent response to behaviour at Winchelsea School and all staff have access to the same scripts, prompts and strategies for each pupil. We specifically praise Helpful Choices for Learning and positive behaviours as we see them throughout the day and we encourage every pupil to work towards positive goals. Our school ethos is that pupils should see that appropriate behaviour gains more reward, attention and praise than inappropriate or unexpected behaviour.


Active Support for Pupils in Self-Management Strategies


Winchelsea’s aim is to enable every pupil to manage their own behaviour and take a sense of achievement from this. This sense of achievement is fostered by the external validation of their behaviours by school staff and parents/carers. We are a flexible environment and encourage pupils to access a variety of sensory aids to assist in their access to learning.


We have introduced the ‘The Zones’ and ‘Toolkits’ that help pupils identify how they are feeling and then a range of strategies in their ‘Toolkit’ that help them feel calm, happy and ready to learn.


Behaviour as a Continuum of Communication


We recognise that behaviour is a communication but due to the complexity of the pupils at Winchelsea School it may not always be clear why or what they are communicating. Behaviour is recorded using IRIS so that we can track and investigate patterns. It is felt that if we understand the behaviour we have a better chance of preventing it and teaching an appropriate strategy or alternative to pupils.





Helpful Choices for Learning


We have identified 12 ‘Helpful Choices for Learning’ that can be used in the classroom and wider school community to develop positive social skills, self-regulation and support pupils to engage in learning opportunities. At Winchelsea School we use the script of making Helping Choices for Learning so that pupils begin to understand that actions/behaviours will help them and that these are what staff are looking to see.


Refer Appendix B for a copy of the Helpful Choices for Learning.


Winchelsea School Values


Our values encourage every pupil to be active members of the school and wider community. Our values promote fundamental British Values and the General Principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This policy has been written with the principles of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child in mind. Particular reference and consideration has been made to Articles 2, 3, 5, 13, 16, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 and 42 throughout.


  • I can ask for what I want;
  • I can follow rules;
  • I can choose independently;
  • I can respect other people;
  • I can be friends with different people.


Broadstone Upper Link


A small number of pupils on the Winchelsea School roll attend the Broadstone Upper Link Provision. The Winchelsea School Behaviour Principles for pupils that attend the Upper Link remain in place, however there may be some adjustments to how these are achieved.


Decisions regarding suspension and exclusion for pupils attending the Upper Link remains with the Headteacher of Winchelsea School.


The Broadstone Middle School Behaviour Policy sets out how positive behaviours will be nurtured and supported. The Upper Link staff will make reasonable adjustments to the Broadstone Middle School Behaviour Policy. The Broadstone Upper Link Head of Provision meets regularly with the DSL of Winchelsea School. Any behaviour of concern will be discussed, including how the principles and strategies referenced in this policy may offer support to the pupil and team around the pupil.



Roles and Responsibilities  



It is the responsibility of all pupils to try to make Helpful Choices for Learning. These choices include removing themselves from difficult situations, applying strategies to manage their behaviour by utilising the tools, strategies and equipment provided to self-manage. Pupils are expected to complete any reasonable tasks assigned to them.

Pupils are expected to contribute towards a school culture of calmness and respect throughout the school community.


Pupils are expected to:

  • Behave in an orderly and self-controlled way;
  • Show respect to members of staff and each other;
  • In class, make it possible for all pupils to learn;
  • Move quietly around the school;
  • Treat the school buildings and school property with respect;
  • Wear the correct uniform at all times;
  • Accept sanctions when given;
  • Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the school into disrepute, including when outside school or online;
  • Follow the expectations as set out in the Home School Agreement.


Where appropriate and reasonable, adjustments may be made to routines within the curriculum to ensure all pupils can meet behavioural expectations in the curriculum.


Inducting incoming pupils


The school will support incoming pupils to meet behaviour standards by offering an induction process to familiarise them with the behaviour policy and the wider school culture.


Parents / Carers


The school works together with parents/carers so that pupils receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and school. We expect parents/carers to support pupils learning, and to co-operate with the school to support the child to make Helpful Choices for Learning.


Contact with parents/carers is made in a number of ways: e-mails, phone, letters and face to face discussions. Parents/carers may be involved in individual reward systems in school and are kept informed of achievements and successes. Staff and parents/carers work together to support each other and meet to discuss problems as they arise in an environment of openness and honesty. It is important to celebrate the positive as well as discussing matters of concern. We aim to end any meeting on a positive note by noting what we can do to move forward.



All Staff


Staff have an important role in developing a calm and safe environment for pupils and establishing clear boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Staff should uphold the whole-school approach to behaviour by teaching and modelling expected behaviour and positive relationships.


Staff should also challenge pupils to meet the school expectations and maintain the boundaries of acceptable conduct.


All staff should communicate the school expectations, routines, values and standards both explicitly through teaching behaviour and in every interaction with pupils. Staff should consider the impact of their own behaviour on the school culture and how they can uphold the school expectations.




The class teacher and covers teachers are responsible for the day-to-day behaviour management of pupils and ensuring that behaviour recording documentation is completed appropriately. They are responsible for implementing the Pupil Participation Plan (PPP) and co-coordinating reviews of that PPP. They are also responsible for supporting their team in managing behaviour, explaining PPPs to them, ensuring they keep accurate records of behaviour incidents and that the classroom environment remains safe. Teachers will link closely with the DSL (for guidance and support to ensure the recording and management of behaviour is done positively). Class Teachers are the primary point of class liaison with parents/carers regarding behaviour management. Teachers are encouraged to use and be guided by the new Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Core Content Framework.


Initial teacher training (ITT): core content framework - GOV.UK (


The Class Teaching Assistant Team / Mid-Day Supervisory Assistants


The class team are responsible for making themselves aware of PPPs relating to the pupils they are working with and support them to manage their behaviour and intervening if behaviour is inappropriate. They are also responsible for the recording of behaviour as well as any other relevant documentation, and following through with restorative work.


Senior Leadership Team


It is the role of Senior Leaders to support class teachers and support staff if there is a serious incident. This may involve taking a class while the teacher manages a situation, supporting directly with a pupil or providing support to allow staff reflection time after an incident.


Intervention and Therapy Team


This team are responsible for all specialist intervention throughout the school community, providing direct specialist intervention to pupils.  


Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners (DSL) / Pupil Participation Lead (PPL)


The DSL and PPL are both full time members of staff responsible for the development and implementation of behaviour systems and strategies. They will support class teams, collaborating with them to develop person centered PPPs which provide clear guidance on the best working practice for the individual. The DSL, PPL and Pupil Participation Team will then monitor the impact of these plans by monitoring and processing incident reports to further develop working methods. The DSL is also an Advanced Team Teach Instructor.


Team Teach promotes and teaches de-escalation strategies and the reduction of risk and restraint, to support teaching, learning and caring, by increasing staff confidence and competence, in responding to behaviours that challenge, whilst promoting and protecting positive relationships.


For further information about Team Teach please speak to the DSL, alternatively go to




The Headteacher is responsible for reviewing this Behaviour Policy in conjunction with the Governing Body, giving due consideration to the school’s Statement of Behaviour Principles (Appendix A).  The Headteacher will also review this policy.


The Headteacher also has the responsibility for suspensions or permanent exclusions to individual pupils if there is a serious incident and it is deemed the appropriate course of action.

The Headteacher will also ensure that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.




The Governing Body is responsible for reviewing and formally approving the written Statement of Behaviour Principles (Appendix A).


The Governing Body will also review this Behaviour Policy in conjunction with the Headteacher and monitor the policy’s effectiveness, holding the Headteacher to account for its implementation.




What is Challenging Behaviour?


Behaviour that challenges is a form of communication. It may be the only way in which a pupil can inform us that their needs are not being met. It is therefore important to view any change in the frequency, duration or intensity of challenges as an indication that something is wrong. For example, a pupil who does not use speech to communicate may be indicating that they are in pain or that they are unhappy with the environment.


Two of the most widely used definitions of ‘Challenging behaviour’ are:


‘Culturally abnormal behaviour(s) of such an intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is likely to be placed in serious jeopardy, or behaviour which is likely to seriously limit use of, or result in the person being denied access to, ordinary community facilities.’


Source: Emerson, E (1995), cited in Emerson, E (2001, 2nd edition): Challenging Behaviour:

Analysis and intervention in people with learning disabilities. Cambridge University Press


‘Behaviour can be described as challenging when it is of such an intensity, frequency, or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical safety of the individual or others and it is likely to lead to responses that are restrictive, aversive or result in exclusion.’


Source: Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Psychological Society, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, (2007), Challenging behaviour – a unified approach.


General Principles of Challenging Behaviour


Behaviour that challenges is functional, that is, it serves a purpose for the pupil.


The function may be one or more of the following:


  • To interact;
  • To seek adult or peer attention, this could also include wanting time alone.
  • To express;
  • request something, for example, food, drink, an activity or an object.
  • To self-manage;
  • To control the environment, which includes escapism (absconding) and food refusal.
  • To self-regulate;
  • Includes self-stimulatory behaviour to relieve stress or meet a sensory need.


When reviewing challenging behaviour staff will consider whether the behaviour causes concern that the pupil may be suffering in some way. If there is concern then staff will follow the Safeguarding Policy. There will also be consideration that the behaviour is signalling an unmet need. At this point it may be necessary to involve other agencies to support us in supporting the pupil.

Preventing Challenging Behaviour


Pupil Participation Plans (PPP) (Appendix C) will reflect the strengths and needs of the pupil. Information will be accurate and up to date. The PPP will provide strategies and guidance that enable staff to proactively support the pupil as well as any reactive measures should they challenge. The PPP will include details of the triggers that can cause challenging behaviour. This will enable staff to effectively manage situations that the child finds uncomfortable.


Primary Prevention


Action that should be taken to reduce the likelihood that challenging behaviour will occur.


Primary Prevention involves using our knowledge of the conditions that can give rise to challenges. If the conditions have been identified for a particular pupil, they can be manipulated to minimise the risk of challenges occurring. It is particularly important to avoid exposing a pupil to known triggers or conditions at times of increased stress. Where possible planned exposure of known triggers will be introduced to support the pupil to be as tolerant to these triggers as possible.


Secondary Prevention


Action that should be taken during the early stages of dysregulation, that is, at the first sign that something is going wrong.


It is important that staff are aware of the behaviour which may indicate that the person they are supporting is becoming agitated. Signs of agitation may include, for example, pacing, raised voice, change in facial expression or skin colour. However, these signs are different for everyone and so it is vital that staff working with pupils know their individual signs.


Sensory Processing Needs


Sensory processing difficulties can impact on our pupils’ ability to self-regulate and manage their behaviour. Sensory processing is the ability to register, discriminate, adapt and respond appropriately, both physically and emotionally to sensory input from the environment. Class teams should ensure that they:


  • Organise the environment clearly with visual cues and signposting using an appropriate communication resource;
  • Speak clearly, slowly, calmly and give pupils time to process and respond;
  • Recognising that sensory processing issues should inform suitable learning environment adjustments;
  • Ensure pupil’s sensory needs are supported through embedding sensory diets and movement into their daily class routines;
  • Ensure there is access to sensory equipment that support self-regulation;
  • Teach pupils to recognise that they are becoming dysregulated by labelling emotions and teach / redirect to an appropriate self-regulatory strategy (The Zones and Toolkits).


Understanding Self-Injurious Behaviour


Self-injurious behaviour is when a pupil harms themselves.  For this reason, it’s sometimes called self-harm. This might be head banging on floors, walls or other surfaces, hand or arm biting, hair pulling, face or head slapping, skin picking, scratching or pinching. The pupil may not have another way of telling adults their needs, wants or feelings. These behaviours may be a way of communicating frustration, getting an object or activity they want, managing anxiety, communicating discomfort or pain. When these behaviours are present the teacher will work with stakeholders to better understand these behaviours and find a way to prevent and replace these behaviours.


Adults supporting these behaviours will:


  • Respond quickly and consistently when a pupil self-injures, even if the adult believes the pupil is doing this to get attention. It is never appropriate to ignore severe self-injurious behaviour;
  • Keep responses low key: Limit verbal comments, facial expressions and other displays of emotion;
  • Reduce demands;
  • Remove potential physical and sensory discomforts, consider their sensory processing difficulties and diets;
  • Redirect by telling them what they should do instead, e.g. ‘David, hands down’. Use visuals cues to support;
  • Provide light physical guidance, this may include gently guiding their hand away from their head, using as little force as possible;
  • Use barriers, place a barrier between the pupil and the object that is causing harm. Consider the use of pillows and other sensory tools that could be used to achieve the desired feedback such as using a chew toy.


Behaviour & SEND


Some behaviours are more likely be associated with particular types of SEND, such as a pupil with speech, language and communication needs who may not understand a verbal instruction. Behaviour will often need to be considered in relation to a pupil’s SEND, although it does not follow that every incident of misbehaviour will be connected to their SEND.


Descriptive Praise


When we tell people what exactly we like about what they are doing, we are reinforcing behaviours that we want to promote.


‘I like how you used your Toolkit to help you calm’ ‘I like that you asked for a break when you needed it’.


By giving positive feedback and personal recognition we raise self-esteem which can lead to positive behaviour for learning. All staff should be consistent and use clear language when acknowledging positive behaviour.


Responding to Challenging Behaviour


Winchelsea Rules for responding to Challenging Behaviour:


  • Try to reassure the pupil – this will not always be verbal;
  • Keep any verbal communication brief and to the point; only one member of staff should be talking to the pupil to avoid overloading and confusing them;
  • Ensure that other staff are aware of the situation, they can make the environment safer by supporting other people to leave the area;
  • Maintain a safe distance from the pupil;
  • Try to appear calm; the pupil needs to know that you are in control;
  • Avoid confrontation, threats or emotionally difficult demands for example “clean that mess up” or “apologise";
  • Seek assistance by using the radio, ‘supported required to (location)’;
  • Staff must have in place emergency procedures for staff to access when a situation may be getting out of control, i.e. access to a radio or mobile telephone (if accessing the community).


As a school community we prescribe to the Team Teach behaviour management approach and use a CALM approach:


Communicate, use visuals, minimal speech and keep voices low in tone and pace;

Assess, be aware of triggers, environmental hazards, life events, feelings and adjust expectations;

Listen to what the pupil is saying and not saying. Support them to make choices that help them;

Make it safe. Get support and change the face;

Use of Time Out.


Time-out lies within the continuum of interventions used to assist pupils to regulate and / or control their behaviour. It is used as a proactive strategy to support self-calming and to provide an opportunity for children to reflect on their actions.


Time-out strategies are not to be used as punishment or as a means of removing pupils indefinitely from the classroom. Time-out may be teacher directed (imposed) or pupil selected (autonomous withdrawal), as a means of calming during a stressful situation within a safe and predictable environment.


Whilst in time-out staff will always monitor pupils to ensure they are kept safe. Any use of imposed withdrawal will be reasonable and proportionate.



The school recognises that changes in behaviour may be an indicator that a pupil is in need of help or protection.


We will consider whether a pupil’s behaviour may be linked to them suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm.


Where this may be the case, we will follow our safeguarding policy, and consider whether pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to social care is appropriate.

Please refer to our Safeguarding Policy for more information.


Delivery of Behaviour Management


As far as practically possible all staff coming into contact with pupils will be versed in the specific PPP. Clear plans that are communicated throughout the school community will ensure that all staff are aware of the most effective de-escalation techniques, along with the particular triggers that may provoke a reaction.


Any PPP involving physical restraint will be discussed with parents/carers before implementation, however the school is not required to seek parental consent to restrict a pupil.  Time-Out, along with physical intervention will never be used as a means of sanction or punishment.


Rewards and Sanctions


As a positive learning environment, our primary focus at Winchelsea is reward, and reinforcing Helpful Choices for Learning. As a school we aim to provide a consistently positive learning environment for all and do this by having whole school reward systems and being flexible to provide individual reward systems if needed.


Aims of Reward Systems

  • To encourage every pupil to work to their best in all areas of learning;
  • To reward resilience, effort and problem solving;
  • To raise achievement in the school by valuing outstanding effort and progress;
  • To reward positive communication;
  • To reward pupils that develop positive friendships and are kind to all;
  • To provide pupils with valued documents as evidence of achievements.


Whole School Rewards

At Winchelsea we recognise that children need consistency between one day and the next and that achievements need to be recognised beyond the classroom. We also aim to teach the value of working in a team and promote a feeling of unity and community amongst the pupils. The 12 Helpful Choices for Learning provide a framework of language that is used to support children to manage their feelings and be rewarded for their achievements.  For this reason, we have the following whole school positive rewards:

  • Ethos sticker system which allows pupils to then ‘spend’ their rewards, giving tangible outcomes for positive behaviour and achievements;
  • Completed work along with photos of the pupils achieving displayed around the school to promote positive self-esteem and to celebrate success;
  • Frequent use of encouraging language and gesture;
  • Phone calls to parents/carers;
  • Headteacher awards;
  • Additional responsibilities.



Sanctions are sometimes necessary to help pupils understand that there is a consequence to their actions. Sanctions must be fair and support pupils to understand the consequences of their behaviour on others and also teach them a different way to manage the feelings when they have behaved inappropriately. We support the use of sanctions if they contribute to a pupil’s social understanding, rather than being just a ‘punishment’.

It is for this reason that sanctions must be applied with fair warning, as close to the event as possible and with opportunity for success in the rest of the day. We also feel that once a sanction has been completed the discussion surrounding the behaviour is ‘finished’ and should not go home with the pupil unless otherwise agreed with the parent/carer or there has been a serious incident.

Sanctions will be most effective when:

  • Other encouraging and rewarding strategies have not worked;
  • Sanctions imposed are relevant, fair and do not last longer than absolutely necessary or applied open-endedly;
  • That there is a view that the sanction may encourage acceptable behaviour or act as a disincentive to unacceptable behaviour;
  • The pupil understands the relevance of the sanction.


Examples of possible sanctions are as follows (this list is neither hierarchical nor exclusive) however they are to be used as a last resort within a positive environment:

  • Loss of privileges;
  • A verbal reprimand and reminder of expectations;
  • Missing break times;
  • Catch up sessions, including during lunchtime, afterschool, non-contact days and weekends (detentions);
  • School based community service (e.g litter picking or tidying a classroom);
  • Parent/carer and Senior Leadership Team informed;
  • Internal exclusion, external suspension or exclusion;
  • Report Card / Mentoring System, including early morning reporting; scheduled checks.


Rewards that have already been earned should not be removed or taken away as a sanction unless agreed in the PPP. Corporal punishment or the withdrawal of a pupil’s rights will never form part of a proactive / reactive strategy or sanction.




A detention is a commonly used sanction, often used as a deterrent to future misbehaviour. It is typically a short period where the pupil is required to remain under supervision of school staff when their peers have been allowed to go home or to break.


Pupils can be issued with detentions during break, after school or on weekends during term time


When used, it will be done consistently and fairly by staff.


A detention outside normal school hours will be lawful if it meets the following conditions:


  • The pupil is under 18 (unless the detention is during lunch break);
  • The headteacher has communicated to pupils and parents that detentions outside school sessions may be used; and
  • The detention is held at any of the following times:
    • Any school day where the pupil does not have permission to be absent;
    • Weekends during term - except a weekend during, preceding or following

the half term break; or

  • Non-teaching days –referred to as ‘INSET days’ or except if it falls on a public holiday, on a day which precedes the first day of term, during the half-term break, or after the last school day of the term.


The Headteacher has delegated responsibility to issue school time detentions to all paid staff working at Winchelsea School. Detentions outside of school hours can be issued by the Headteacher and Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners.

Parents/carers are advised that parental consent is not required when issuing detentions.


With lunchtime detentions, staff will allow reasonable time for the pupil to eat, drink and use the toilet.


School staff should not issue a detention where there is any reasonable concern that doing so would compromise a pupil's safety. When ensuring that a detention outside school hours is reasonable, staff issuing the detention should consider the following points:


  • Whether the detention is likely to put the pupil at increased risk, preventing them from getting home safetly;
  • Whether the pupil has known caring responsibilities;
  • Whether the detention timing conflicts with a medical appointment;
  • Whether parents ought to be informed of the detention. In many cases it will be necessary to do so, but this will depend on the circumstances. For instance, notice may not be necessary for a short after-school detention where the pupil can get home safely; and Whether suitable travel arrangements can reasonably be made by the parent for the pupil. It does not matter if making these arrangements is inconvenient for the parent.


Sanctions for Pupils over 18


Pupils aged 18 or over will not be issued detentions, if needed an alternative sanction will be put in place.


Searching a pupil


Searches will only be carried out by a member of staff who has been authorised to do so by the Headteacher, or by the Headteacher themselves. Searches may be carried out by any member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Subject to the exception below, the authorised member of staff carrying out the search will be of the same sex as the pupil, and there will be another member of staff present as a witness to the search.

An authorised member of staff of a different sex to the pupil can carry out a search without another member of staff as a witness if:

  • The authorised member of staff carrying out the search reasonably believes there is risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not carried out as a matter of urgency; and
  • In the time available, it is not reasonably practicable for the search to be carried out by a member of staff who is the same sex as the pupil; or
  • It is not reasonably practicable for the search to be carried out in the presence of another member of staff.

When an authorised member of staff conducts a search without a witness, they should immediately report this to another member of staff, and make sure a written record of the search is kept.

If the authorised member of staff considers a search to be necessary, but not required urgently, they will seek the advice of the headteacher or Designated Safeguarding Lead (or deputy) or who may have more information about the pupil. During this time the pupil will be supervised and kept away from other pupils.

A search can be carried out if the authorised member of staff has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil is in possession of a prohibited item or any item listed in the prohibited items list.

An appropriate location for the search will be found. Where possible, this will be away from other pupils. The search will only take place on the school premises or where the member of staff has lawful control or charge of the pupil, for example on a school trip.

Before carrying out a search the authorised member of staff will:

  • Assess whether there is an urgent need for a search;
  • Assess whether not doing the search would put other pupils or staff at risk;
  • Consider whether the search would pose a safeguarding risk to the pupil;
  • Explain to the pupil why they are being searched;
  • Explain to the pupil what a search entails – e.g. “I will ask you to turn out your pockets and remove your scarf”;
  • Explain how and where the search will be carried out;
  • Give the pupil the opportunity to ask questions;
  • Seek the pupil’s co-operation.

If the pupil refuses to agree to a search, the member of staff can give an appropriate behaviour sanction.

If they still refuse to co-operate, the member of staff will contact the Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead (or deputy), to try to determine why the pupil is refusing to comply.

The authorised member of staff will then decide whether to use reasonable force to search the pupil. This decision will be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration whether conducting the search will prevent the pupil harming themselves or others, damaging property or causing disorder.

The authorised member of staff can use reasonable force to search for any prohibited items as previously detailed.

The authorised member of staff may use a metal detector to assist with the search.

An authorised member of staff may search a pupil’s outer clothing, pockets, possessions, desk or locker.


‘Outer clothing’ includes:

  • Any item of clothing that isn't worn wholly next to the skin or immediately over underwear (e.g. a jumper or jacket being worn over a t-shirt);
  • Hats, scarves, gloves, shoes or boots.

Searching pupils’ possessions

Possessions means any items that the pupil has or appears to have control of, including:

  • Desks;
  • Lockers;

A pupil’s possessions can be searched for any item if the pupil agrees to the search. If the pupil does not agree to the search, staff can still carry out a search for prohibited items.

An authorised member of staff can search a pupil’s possessions when the pupil and another member of staff are present.

If there is a serious risk of harm if the search is not conducted immediately, or it is not reasonably practicable to summon another member of staff, the search can be carried out by a single authorised member of staff.

Informing the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The staff member who carried out the search should inform the DSL without delay, in the case of the DSL they will inform the Headteacher:

  • Of any incidents where the member of staff had reasonable grounds to suspect a pupil was in possession of a prohibited item as listed;
  • If they believe that a search has revealed a safeguarding risk.

All searches for prohibited items, including incidents where no items were found, will be recorded in the school’s safeguarding system.

Informing Parents/ Carers

Parents/carers will always be informed of any search for a prohibited item. A member of staff will tell the parents/carers as soon as is reasonably practicable:

  • What happened;
  • What was found, if anything;
  • What has been confiscated, if anything;
  • What action the school has taken, including any sanctions that have been applied to their child.



Support after a search

Irrespective of whether any items are found as the result of any search, the school will consider whether the pupil may be suffering or likely to suffer harm and whether any specific support is needed (due to the reasons for the search, the search itself, or the outcome of the search).

If this is the case, staff will follow the school’s safeguarding policy and speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL will consider whether pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate.

Strip searches

The authorised member of staff’s power to search outlined above does not enable them to conduct a strip search (removing more than the outer clothing) and strip searches on school premises shall only be carried out by police officers in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) Code C. 

Before calling the Police into school, staff will assess and balance the risk of a potential strip search on the pupil’s mental and physical wellbeing and the risk of not recovering the suspected item.

Staff will consider whether introducing the potential for a strip search through Police involvement is absolutely necessary, and will always ensure that other appropriate, less invasive approaches have been exhausted first.

Once the Police are on school premises, the decision on whether to conduct a strip search lies solely with them. The school will advocate for the safety and wellbeing of the pupil(s) involved. Staff retain a duty of care to the pupil involved and should advocate for pupil wellbeing at all times.

Communication and record-keeping

Where reasonably possible and unless there is an immediate risk of harm, before the strip search takes place, staff will contact at least 1 of the pupil’s parents/carers to inform them that the Police are going to strip search the pupil, and ask them whether they would like to come into school to act as the pupil’s appropriate adult. If the school can’t get in touch with the parents/carers, or they aren’t able to come into school to act as the appropriate adult, a member of staff can act as the appropriate adult (see below for information about the role of the appropriate adult).

The pupil’s parents/carers will always be informed by a staff member once a strip search has taken place. The school will keep records of strip searches that have been conducted on school premises, and monitor them for any trends that emerge.

Who will be present?

For any strip search that involves exposure of intimate body parts, there will be at least 2 people present other than the pupil, except in urgent cases where there is risk of serious harm to the pupil or others.



One of these must be the Appropriate Adult, except if:

  • The pupil explicitly states in the presence of an Appropriate Adult that they do not want an Appropriate Adult to be present during the search; and
  • The Appropriate Adult agrees.

If this is the case, a record will be made of the pupil’s decision and it will be signed by the Appropriate Adult.

No more than 2 people other than the pupil and appropriate adult will be present, except in the most exceptional circumstances.

The Appropriate Adult will:

  • Act to safeguard the rights, entitlements and welfare of the pupil;
  • Not be a Police Officer or otherwise associated with the police;
  • Not be the Headteacher;
  • Be of the same sex as the pupil, unless the pupil specifically requests an adult who is not of the same sex.

Except for an Appropriate Adult of a different sex if the pupil specifically requests it, no one of a different sex will be permitted to be present and the search will not be carried out anywhere where the pupil could be seen by anyone else.

Care after a strip search

After any strip search, the pupil will be given appropriate support, irrespective of whether any suspected item is found. The pupil will also be given the opportunity to express their views about the strip search and the events surrounding it.

As with other searches, the school will consider whether the pupil may be suffering or likely to suffer harm and whether any further specific support is needed (due to the reasons for the search, the search itself, or the outcome of the search).

Staff will follow the school’s Safeguarding Policy and speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL will consider whether, in addition to pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate.

Any pupil(s) who have been strip searched more than once and/or groups of pupils who may be more likely to be subject to strip searching will be given particular consideration, and staff will consider any preventative approaches that can be taken.

School staff can confiscate, retain or dispose of a pupil’s property as a disciplinary penalty in the same circumstances as other disciplinary penalties. The law protects staff from liability in any proceedings brought against them for any loss or damage to items they have confiscated, provided they acted lawfully. Staff should consider whether the confiscation is proportionate and consider any special circumstances relevant to the case. In the event that the Police are contacted to complete a search a member of the Senior Leadership Team will remain present through to the search. In addition, the school will make every effort to contact the pupil’s parent or carer before the search. Throughout any search the safeguarding and best interests of the child must continue to be a priority.


The following items are banned / banned in school and may result in a pupil being searched:


  • Knives or Weapons;
  • Alcohol;
  • Illegal drugs;
  • Stolen goods;
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers;
  • E-cigarettes or vapes;
  • Pornographic images;
  • Fireworks;
  • Any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil).


For more information please see below.

Behaviour in schools: sanctions and exclusions: Searches for banned items - GOV.UK (


Should any of the above be found during a search they will be confiscated. Senior Leaders will then decide which action is required next, this could include asking parents/carers to collect the items, suspension, exclusion and involving other agencies such as Children’s Social Care and the Police.


Removal from Classrooms


Removal is where a pupil, for serious disciplinary reasons, is required to spend a limited time out of the classroom at the instruction of a member of staff. This is to be differentiated from circumstances in which a pupil is asked to step outside of the classroom briefly for a conversation with a staff member and asked to return following this.


The use of removal should allow for continuation of the pupil’s education in a supervised setting. The continuous education provided may differ to the curriculum but should still be meaningful for the pupil.


Removal should be used for the following reasons:


  • To maintain the safety of all pupils and to restore stability following an unreasonably high level of disruption;
  • To enable disruptive pupils to be taken to a place where education can be continued in a managed environment; and
  • To allow the pupil to calm in a safe space.


Reintegration into the classroom will be achieved as quickly as possible where it is safe and appropriate to do so.


There are likely to be occasions when a pupil is encouraged to leave the classroom to regulate their emotions for non-disciplinary reasons.


When dealing with individual removal cases the Headteacher and Head of Safeguarding & Vulnerable Learners will;


  • Consider whether any assessment of underlying factors of disruptive behaviour is needed;
  • Facilitate reflection by the pupil on the behaviour that led to their removal from the classroom and what they can do to improve and avoid such behaviour in the future;
  • Ensure that pupils are never locked in the room of their removal. There may be exceptional situations in which it is necessary to physically prevent a pupil from leaving a room in order to protect the safety of pupils and staff from immediate risk, but this would be a safety measure and not a disciplinary sanction;
  • Ensure that the Children and Families Act 2014, the Equality Act 2010 and regulations under those Acts are being complied with.


Pupils must not be removed from classrooms for prolonged periods of time without the explicit agreement of the Headteacher. These children should be given extensive support to continue their education including targeted pastoral support aimed to improve behaviour so they can be reintegrated and succeed within the school community.


Suspension and Permanent Exclusion


There is an expectation that all pupils will behave in a manner that does not jeopardise the safety and/or learning opportunities of others. If either are compromised it may be necessary to remove the pupil from the school community for a limited period.


Suspension and exclusion is always used as a last resort. The decision to suspend or exclude remains the responsibility of the Headteacher. Winchelsea School works within the legal framework concerning exclusion as set out in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

We will always aim to reintegrate a pupil back into the whole school community at the earliest opportunity. Please refer to the Suspension & Exclusion Policy for more information.




Where circumstances arise that endanger the safety of a pupil or staff member, the school will act swiftly and decisively to remove the threat and reduce the likelihood of its recurrence.


Behaviour on School Trips


Prior to any trip taking place a full risk assessment is completed. The safety of pupils, staff and the public is of paramount importance. In some cases, the risk may be considered too high to allow a pupil to take part in the trip.  If difficulties and challenging behaviour occur whilst on a school trip, then staff will employ all the training and expertise they have in order to resolve and calm the situation. Staff will also maintain regular contact with the school and Senior Leadership Team for guidance. It may be deemed necessary to return a pupil to the school vehicle until the trip is due to complete or return the pupil to school.

Behaviour Outside of School Premises


Reports of behaviour (including online behaviour) that is in conflict with the Behaviour Principles Written Statement will be managed through the principles of this policy and sanctions may be applied.


Where there are reports of criminal behaviour outside of the school premises the school will liaise with professionals as necessary.


Off-site misbehaviour


Sanctions may be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off-site when representing the school. This means misbehaviour when the pupil is:

  • Taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity (e.g. school trips);
  • Travelling to or from school;
  • Wearing school uniform;
  • In any other way identifiable as a pupil of our school.


Sanctions may also be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off-site, at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, if the misbehaviour:

  • Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school;
  • Poses a threat to another pupil;
  • Could adversely affect the reputation of the school.


Sanctions will only be given out on school premises or elsewhere when the pupil is under the lawful control of a staff member (e.g. on a school-organised trip).


Online misbehaviour


The school can issue behaviour sanctions to pupils for online misbehaviour when:

  • It poses a threat or causes harm to another pupil;
  • It could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school;
  • It adversely affects the reputation of the school;
  • The pupil is identifiable as a member of the school.


Sanctions will only be given out on school premises or elsewhere when the pupil is under the lawful control of a staff member.


Suspected criminal behaviour


If a pupil is suspected of criminal behaviour, the school will make an initial assessment of whether to report the incident to the Police.

When establishing the facts, the school will endeavour to preserve any relevant evidence to hand over to the Police.

If a decision is made to report the matter to the police, the Headteacher / member of the Senior Leadership Team will make the report.


The school will not interfere with any Police action taken. However, the school may continue to follow its own investigation procedure and enforce sanctions, as long as it does not conflict with Police action.


If a report to the police is made, the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) will make a tandem report to children’s social care, if appropriate.

Zero-tolerance Approach to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

The school will ensure that all incidents of sexual harassment and/or violence are met with a suitable response, and never ignored.

Pupils are encouraged to report anything that makes them uncomfortable, no matter how ‘small’ they feel it might be.

The school’s response will be:

  • Proportionate;
  • Considered;
  • Supportive;
  • Decided on a case-by-case basis.

The school has procedures in place to respond to any allegations or concerns regarding a pupil’s safety or wellbeing. These include clear processes for:

  • Responding to a report;
  • Carrying out risk assessments, where appropriate, to help determine whether to:
    • Manage the incident internally;
    • Refer to Children’s Social Care;
    • Report to the Police.

Please refer to our Safeguarding Policy for more information.


Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan

The provisions set out in the EHC plan must be secured and the school will co-operate with the Local Authority and other bodies.

If the school has a concern about the behaviour of a pupil, it will make contact with the Local Authority to discuss the matter. If appropriate, the school may request an emergency review of the EHC plan.


Social Media


Pupils must not attempt to contact school staff via social media platforms. If a pupil attempts to make contact, then the pupil’s parent/carer will be contacted.


Malicious Allegations


Where a pupil makes an allegation against a member of staff and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the school will discipline the pupil in accordance with this policy.

Where a pupil makes an allegation of sexual violence or sexual harassment against another pupil and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the school will discipline the pupil in accordance with this policy.

In all cases where an allegation is determined to be unsubstantiated, unfounded, false or malicious, the school (in collaboration with the Local Authority Designated Officer, where relevant) will consider whether the pupil who made the allegation is in need of help, or the allegation may have been a cry for help. If so, a referral to children’s social care may be appropriate.

The school will also consider the pastoral needs of staff and pupils accused of misconduct.

Please refer to our Safeguarding Policy for more information on responding to allegations of abuse against staff or other pupils.

It may also be appropriate for the Police to be contacted and asked to consider whether any action might be appropriate against the person responsible. This is equally the case if a malicious allegation is received from a parent or carer.


Recording of Behaviour Management


Thorough recording of behaviours is the key to identify what the purpose of the behaviour is and thus giving validity to any Pupil Participation Plans adopted. Effective recording of behaviour also supports the following:


  • Compliance with statutory requirements;
  • Monitoring of the pupil’s welfare;
  • Monitoring of staff performance and identifying any training needs.


Reviewing Records


Review of the PPP and action taken as a matter of urgency in the following circumstances:


  • When physical intervention is being employed more frequently than expected / previously;
  • When staff report that agreed working methods do not enable them to effectively minimise harm;
  • If injury is sustained to either the pupil or staff during physical intervention / incident;
  • On any indication that interventions are not being carried out as determined by their PPP.


Risk Assessment


Effective risk assessment and risk management are important when supporting pupils who may challenge. The school community has a responsibility to maintain a safe working environment, protect pupils from harm and minimise risks. It is important to distinguish the assessment of and management of risk. Risk assessment involves identifying potentially hazardous behaviour, the possible consequences of that behaviour and the likelihood that the behaviour will occur. Risk management involves devising proactive and reactive strategies to minimise the possibility of the hazardous behaviour occurring. Good risk reduction and management is focused on maximising opportunities and will be detailed in the PPP.


Generic Risk Assessment


As part of the generic risk assessment and management process the school staff will:


  • Wear shoes that are suitable for moving quickly and safely;
  • Tie long hair back or carry a hair tie at all times;
  • Avoid wearing jewellery or ties that cannot be undone easily or that could cause injury to others;
  • Always ask for ‘Help’ and accept ‘More Help’;
  • Support others if when and where required;
  • Always access the change of face and a time out to reflect, following an incident;
  • Keep arms and legs covered to limit possible harm from scratching, biting and pinching where required;
  • Wear any safety clothing that is suggested as part of a pupil’s PPP. If the protective clothing is not suitable in any way then staff must inform their line manager or the DSL at the earliest opportunity.


Restorative Discussion


Following an incident, in particular one involving a physical intervention both staff and the pupil should be given opportunity to talk about what happened in a calm and supportive environment. Restorative discussions are designed to discover what happened and the effects on those around them. Restorative discussion should not be used to direct blame or punish but as opportunity to determine if there is reason to suspect injury or severe distress.


Restorative sessions need to be person centered around:


  • The needs of the individual;
  • Their feelings;
  • Their circumstances;


Restorative discussions are an attempt to recognise that a stressful incident has occurred and those involved need support to aid recovery. Below are our Winchelsea rules to restorative discussions:



There can be no rule about choosing the right time. Positive listening and restorative discussion can only begin when the pupil is ready. It cannot be forced. Please ensure that there is sufficient time so that the process will not be rushed.


The choice of environment should be comfortable and a neutral area where people will not be disturbed. Remove barriers such as desks and ensure chairs are at the same height.


Part of being an active listener involves looking at body language and establishing a rapport – ‘Listen with your eyes’. Listening should be non-judgmental to obtain the fullest appreciation of the pupil’s account of what has happened. Understanding what the pupil’s perspective is the key to helping them learn from the incident.


Learning can take place without blame. After listening carefully staff can share other perspectives with a focus on how feelings drive behaviours in all of us. This stage should involve an exploration of how the child and staff can work together to reduce the chance of repetition.


Restorative discussions should always be pitched at the right level for the pupil. This could include use a variety of resources which support the pupil to understand what has happened. Staff should avoid using ‘why’ questions and consideration to Blank Level Questioning should be given.


Any questions regarding any aspect of Behaviour Management including Physical Intervention should be directed to the DSL who will liaise with other professionals as deemed necessary.


The school also has a separate Physical Intervention policy.


Supporting Pupils Following a Sanction


Following a sanction, the school will consider strategies to help the pupil to understand how to improve their behaviour and meet the expectations of the school.


This could include measures such as:


  • Reintegration meetings;
  • Daily contact with someone from the Participation;
  • A report card with personalised behaviour goals.



Feedback from the School Council – 29.11.2024


Members of the School Council have been consulted on this policy. Language from the policy was explained and modified where necessary to ensure understanding.


Main feedback points are detailed below:


  • They agreed with the Behaviour Principles;
  • They agreed that there should be active support for pupil’s to self-regulate and thought the Zones and Toolkits were helpful as some people ‘can’t talk’;
  • They agreed with the Pupil Responsibilities as set out in the policy;
  • They agreed that those with Sensory Processing Needs should be actively supported and have access to resources such as ear defenders and help when displaying any self-injurious behaviour;
  • They agreed that positive behaviour should be rewarded and that unexpected behaviour should be sanctioned, this included use of detentions and exclusion;
  • They agreed that behaviour on school trips should be excellent and that whilst out in the community as they represent the school;
  • They agree that there should be a zero-tolerance approach to any harassment;
  • They agreed that after an incident there should be time to talk about what has happened and rebuild relationships.
  • Additionally, School Council wanted to add that if a Pupil needs to go to the toilet, leave the classroom they should inform a member.


Monitoring this policy


This Behaviour Policy will be reviewed by the Headteacher and Full Governing Body at least annually, or more frequently, if needed, to address findings from the regular monitoring of the behaviour data. At each review, the policy will be approved by the headteacher and Full Governing Body

The written statement of behaviour principles will be reviewed and approved by the Full Governing Body at least annually.


Low Level Incident – Recorded on IRIS Behaviour Logging System

Low Level Incident

e.g swearing, rudeness, refusal to move, low level disruption, arguments between pupils, not returning to class, name calling etc.


Class Staff / Teachers

Resolve the situation and record information on to IRIS.


Winchelsea Rules for recording Challenging Behaviour:

o   Recorded within 24 hours of the incident by the person(s) involved;

o   The names of the staff and pupils involved;

o   Where and when the incident took place;

o   What was happening prior to the incident, include a possible trigger;

o   What the behaviour looked like / how was it communicated;

o   Response of the staff involved including outcomes and any sanctions;

o   Where a pupil is injured but played no part in the challenging behaviour an Accident Report must be completed.



Class Staff / Teachers

Provide restorative follow up with child

Blame blocks, narrative debrief, comic strip.


Provide Proactive strategies:

 ‘I need space card’, on the right track, working towards system.

Symbol/ sign support for communication,

Playtime buddy, fiddle toy, individual timetable, social story etc.


Behaviour reduces / stops or follow up consistently effective or preventative strategies usually effective.


Not Successful

Behaviour escalates or preventative strategy ineffective or unsure of reason behind behaviour.

Class Staff / Teachers

Continue interventions

Team to complete IRIS.


Class Staff / Teachers

Continue to manage

Team to complete IRIS, follow up with Pupil Participation Team.



Serious Incident

Examples include, New Behaviour, Sexualised Behaviour, Destroying Property, Absconding (attempts) Assault and Self Injurious Behaviour.


Serious Misbehaviour Incident -  Recorded on IRIS Behaviour Logging System



Class Staff / Teachers

Ensure other pupils are safe. Class staff and teacher use professional judgment if additional support is required – possible need to use radio system for support.

Team to complete IRIS Behaviour logging system.

Winchelsea Rules for recording Challenging Behaviour:

o   Recorded within 24hours of the incident by the person(s) involved;

o   The names of the staff and pupils involved;

o   Where and when the incident took place;

o   What was happening prior to the incident, include a possible trigger;

o   What the behaviour looked like / how was it communicated;

o   Response of the staff involved including outcomes and any sanctions;

o    Where a pupil is injured but played no part in the challenging behaviour an Accident Report must be completed.


Class Staff / Teachers / DSL / Pupil Participation Lead review PPP

Class Staff / Teachers / DSL / Pupil Participation Lead create PPP

Provide restorative follow up with pupil: Blame blocks, narrative debrief, comic strip

Provide Preventative strategies: ‘I need space card’, On the right track, working towards system, symbol/ sign support for communication, playtime buddy, fiddle toy, individual timetable, social story etc.




Behaviour reduces / stops or follow up consistently effective or preventative strategies usually effective in managing situation.


Not Successful

Behaviour escalates or proactive strategies ineffective.

Class Staff / Teachers

Continue interventions

Team to complete: IRIS Behaviour Log and update PPP.

Class Staff / Teachers

Refer to intervention teams.


Not Successful

Behaviour escalates, unresponsive to PPP.


When there has been an extremely dangerous and or deliberate behaviour that seriously threatens the health and safety of others – see exclusion pathway.

The pupil is consistently unresponsive to PPP or consistently disrupts the opportunities and education of other pupils – see Suspension & Exclusion pathway.



Exclusion Pathway – See Exclusion Policy for full details.

In rare instances behaviour may remain unacceptable or escalate to a point that is not safe. In these circumstances the child may be put on pathway to exclusion. This must be instigated by the Head Teacher and will be evidenced to be a last intervention. Although children on pathway to exclusion may end up being excluded (either for a fixed term or permanently) it is not inevitable and in all cases the aim will be to prevent exclusion from occurring.


When there has been an extremely dangerous and or deliberate behaviour that seriously threatens the health and safety of others. The child will consistently be unresponsive to PPP or consistently disrupt the opportunities and education of other pupils.




Review intervention thus far and PPP. Discuss appropriate sanction / management of the behaviour.

Phone call made to parents and written warning that re-occurrence of behaviour will result in fixed term / permanent exclusion. This measure is not always possible, a single incident of challenging behaviour may be so extreme that it is detrimental to the safety and good order of the school that it is deemed necessary for the pupil to be removed from school immediately.

Reoccurrence or / Extreme Incident

e.g. Serious physical assault (intentional and unintentional), assault with a weapon, serious theft, possession and or use of drugs/alcohol/weapons, serious verbal abuse used to intimidate, prejudice incidents, extortion, serious vandalism, serious self- injury.


Behaviour does not re-occur and sanction / management effective.

PPP continues.



No re-occurrence within 3 terms

Review with Headteacher, Deputy Head and DSL and Parents

PPP remains.



Parents/Carers phoned immediately. (Possible need to call Police).



Pupil removed from school.




Winchelsea Rules for recording Challenging Behaviour:

o   Recorded within 24hours of the incident by the person(s) involved;

o   The names of the staff and pupils involved;

o   Where and when the incident took place;

o   What was happening prior to the incident, include a possible trigger;

o   What the behaviour looked like / how was it communicated;

o   Response of the staff involved including outcomes and any sanctions;

o   Where a pupil is injured but played no part in the challenging behaviour an Accident Report must be completed.

Headteacher writes to Parents/Carers

Letter confirms the exclusion, explains why exclusion occurred and fully informs parents’ rights and the procedures that need to be followed. Invites parents and the child to re-integration meeting where the terms of re-integration can be established and agreed, PPP reviewed. If re-occurrence occurs in this time a longer period of exclusion may be considered.







Appendix A


Written Statement of Behaviour Principles


Every pupil has the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others.

All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination.

Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times.

Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the Behaviour policy.

The Behaviour Policy is understood by pupils and staff.

The Suspension & Exclusions Policy explains that Suspensions & Exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved.

Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions.

Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life.

The Governing Body also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the full Governing Body annually.