Religion and World Views

Religion and World Views  


  • Provoke challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purposes of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human;
  • Develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, other religious traditions and non-religious worldviews such as Humanism.  Nurture pupils’ awareness and understanding of beliefs.
  • Encourage pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging, to enable them to flourish individually within their communities and to act with personal responsibility.
  • Offer opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, encouraging pupils to develop the ability to be still, to think deeply, to reflect and to appreciate times of stillness and silence;
  • Challenge pupils to discover and reflect on issues of truth, values, belief and faith.

BCP Locally Agreed Syllabus, Any Questions

Religion and World Views Right of Withdrawal


The Religion and World Views curriculum at Winchelsea School is inclusive and comprehensive. We place a high value on pupils having the confidence to speak openly about their own beliefs and to be accepting of the beliefs of others. The curriculum allows for the study of all world religions, faiths and beliefs.


Any parent/carer wishing to withdraw their child is encouraged to make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss the matter. Parents/carers who wish to withdraw their child from any aspect of the school’s ‘Religion and World Views’ curriculum should notify the Headteacher in writing.


Curriculum Intent

Explorers and Seekers

Pupils have the opportunity to engage appropriately for their level in ‘thought of the week’ sharing stories and experiences.  Pupils have lots of opportunities to experience awe and wonder through regular community visits.


Pupils will benefit from learning opportunities which allow them to engage with religious, moral and spiritual stories and to name key religions, figures and symbolic objects. They will be able to name their own beliefs and recognise that others may have differing beliefs. They will be encouraged to retell religious, moral and spiritual stories.


Pupils will benefit from learning opportunities which allow them to retell religious, moral and spiritual stories, describe the key figures, symbols and practices of a variety of religious, humanist and secular beliefs. They will be encouraged to develop their understanding by asking questions about religious beliefs and practices and on a variety of world views.


KS 4

Pupils will benefit from learning opportunities which allow them to ask questions about religious beliefs and practices and on a variety of world views. They will learn about the impact of religious and secular beliefs on the lives of individuals and communities and be able to compare and contrast evidence of religious and secular beliefs from a range of sources.


Curriculum Content 


Autumn 1 

Heroes who help us 

Moses and the Exodus (Judaism) 

Pupils will read and complete work around the story of Moses and how he heroically led his people to safety from Egypt. Pupils will look at the conditions they endured and why they had to flee. Pupils will also learn about the 10 plagues of Egypt and the importance of Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. 


Pupils will be provided with varied, dynamic and differentiated learning materials that encourage them to explore a range of beliefs and practices. 

Work produced by pupils each week will be evidenced through their files of work, photographs and in their learning journeys. 

Content of individual lessons will be observed on a termly basis through the school provision monitoring system. This information will be fed back to teachers through regular meetings and will drive CPD provision. 

All pupils: 

Will participate in Religion and World Views lessons for 1 hour a week. 

Will engage in acts of daily collective worship through the Thought for the Week. 

Will develop their SMSC knowledge through exploring the importance of religion and belief in societies across the world. 

Autumn 2 

Light fantastic  

Evolution and Creation (Christianity, Humanism) 

Pupils will engage with the creation story. They will learn about what God did on each day of creation. They will think about how important it is that we care for creation. They will also explore alternative creation stories and evolution alongside examining the work of Charles Darwin.  

Spring 1 

Feast for the Senses 

Meditation and Mindfulness (Buddhism) 

Pupils will explore objects of reference from four world faiths relating to the five senses, touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell. They will look at meditation and mindfulness as a path to wellbeing. Pupils will look at the life of Buddha and how he found enlightenment through the Middle Path. 

Spring 2 

Bee Happy 

Animals and Religion (All Beliefs, Animism) 

Pupils will look into the importance of animals in religion. Through texts, videos and pictures they will find out about how animals have been portrayed in religious stories. They will also encounter Animism as a belief, looking at animal myths and legends in Africa, South America and Australia. 

Summer 1 

Food Glorious Food 

Religious Festivals and Food (All Beliefs) 

Pupils will discover how and why food is important to religious belief and practice. They will look at particular festivals and make and taste the food associated with them. All religions across the world have special dishes for certain times of the year. Pupils will prepare and try celebratory dishes from all religions. 

Summer 2 

You’ve Got a Friend in Me 

Greek Gods and Classic Tales (Greek Mythology) 

Pupils will find out about the ancient Greek civilization. They will encounter tales of armies, battles quests and learn about the history of the Olympics. The stories of the Greek Gods are myths and pupils will examine how much truth may be contained within them as well as the life lessons they an teach us. 

Cross-curricular Links

How does RE support this?

English Skills



Development of religious specific vocabulary

Development of storytelling skills

Regular speaking and listening activities

Maths Skills


Understand object permanence

Understand time










British Values


Social: Interact with and help each other and exploring the world around us.

Moral: An understanding of feelings and emotions, identifying what is right and wrong.

Spiritual: Evoke emotions of awe and wonder, learning to respect ourselves and others.

Cultural: Learning about the life of religious figures, historical facts and religious festivals.


Recognizing that Britain is a multi-cultural society, that discrimination is unacceptable and that all beliefs are valid.


Extended Opportunities/ Celebration:

  • Weekly assemblies covering religious and secular celebrations
  • Guest speakers and visitors from all faiths and beliefs
  • Community visits to sites of religious significance

Thought for the Week, a time if reflection and discussion