Marking and Feedback Policy Enquirers and Navigators |
Version |
1.3 |
Review Date |
September 2023 |
Review Cycle |
Triennially |
Review Due |
September 2026 |
Author / Owner |
Hannah Parry |
Marking complements and assists teaching and learning. It serves as a tool for assessing individual and school performance. Marking should be diagnostic and inform pupils of the next steps needed in their learning in order to improve their work. Marking will also provide focused feedback on the learning objective / success criteria for that lesson whenever appropriate.
This policy clearly outlines our intention for teacher marking based on the Enquirers curriculum area.
The Nature of Marking
All work should be marked in line with the school’s policy.
This means notes or comments accompanied by the use of symbols, stamps and stickers. Notes and comments should be constructive, positive and neat, and relate to the agreed success criteria and where appropriate, inform the next steps needed to make improvements. Written comments should be completed and accompanied by a code (see below) that clearly identifies the level of support or prompt the pupil received to complete the work.
Teachers should write in a different colour to the pupil.
Orange: oops Blue: Brilliant Purple: Pen of progress
Teacher comment / next steps in black pen.
A visual representation is also appropriate for some pupils and this can take the form of symbols, stamps and / or stickers. This depends entirely on the needs of the class and motivators that are appropriate. As a result, classes can choose their own symbols, stamps and stickers to use.
Not every mistake will need to be corrected and to correct everything is seen as counterproductive for pupil motivation. Marking is intended to be productive and pupils can only learn from it when they are given time to respond to staff comments and make further necessary improvements to their work. Time needs to be given in lessons for pupils to review their work in light of the comments made, either with a member of staff or with learning / talking partner. Pupils may use a purple pen for their corrections.
Codes for Marking
The following symbols can be indicated on pupil work to support learning:
. = full stop |
“ = speech marks |
, = comma |
C = capital letter |
? = question mark |
! = exclamation mark |
sp = spelling mistake |
TA = target achieved |
? and squiggle under sentence = this does not make sense e.g. ‘I went but horrid’? |
A verbal commentary will need to take place where orange has been used.
Codes for Annotating the Level of Support / Prompts
I = independent
VBL = verbal support (giving contextual clues, not mouthing the answer)
VS = visual support
GS = gestural support e.g. signing, facial expression
PPS = physical support e.g. hand over hand or physically moving the pupil to enable them to undertake the task
FPS? (S) = scribed by an adult but pupil’s own words
Ext = Extension Task
This could be in written form or through photos and video.
1) It should relate to the specific learning outcome(s) that are the focus of the marking for the lesson. A member of staff will scribe and record the response on a monitoring document or as write-ups. At times it may be more beneficial to use video or photographs.
2) Write ups can also be used to celebrate any other achievement not related to the learning outcome.