PSHE & SRE Policy 2024/25

PSHE and RSE Policy



Review Date

December 2024

Review Cycle


Next Review Due

December 2025

Author / Owner

PSHE Coordinator




At Winchelsea we recognise that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is a vital area of the curriculum for our pupils and is an integral part of their learning and well-being. We believe that the delivery of quality PSHE is core across the curriculum to maximising pupil development and ensuring they lead happy, healthy, safe and independent lives. To this end our curriculum has been developed to be delivered through practical experiences and opportunities to enhance pupil’s abilities to carry out life skills in real situations.  This will develop their understanding and support their processing of this information to help them thrive in the real world.


As PSHE is cross curricular and aims to foster the development of happy, confident and independent learners, it has strong links with all our curriculum and pastoral policies, including teaching and learning, behaviour, anti-bullying, playtimes and lunchtimes, community visits, after-school clubs and all interventions offered throughout the school.




By ensuring that PSHE is a central aspect of each pupil’s learning experience, we aim to enable children to:


  • know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle;
  • be aware of safety issues;
  • understanding friendships and relationships with others;
  • have respect for others;
  • be independent and responsible members of the school community;
  • be positive and active members of a global community;
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues;
  • develop understanding of their own bodies and changes;
  • aspire to economic well-being.



Intent: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Curriculum


Every pupil has a learning journey made up of descriptors that are designed to map pupils’ development and understanding. This ensures personalised learning, focused on skills that are important to each individual. Rights Respecting is taught across the whole year and is included in all areas of the curriculum. Pupils are taught about their rights and encouraged to consider their own morals and values, whilst understanding the importance of being able to voice their opinion.


PSHE is taught in five main areas, each of which link closely to the core themes set out within the PSHE programme of study.





Health and Wellbeing


Living in the Wider World

1. Self-Care

2. Social Skills

3. Life Skills

4. Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

5. Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)*

* RSE was previously known by the acronym SRE.  This was mended by the Children and

Social Work Act 2017 as it was considered more appropriate to focus relationships.


Self-Care: Where pupils learn how to look after themselves to the best of their ability.  This ranges from toileting and dressing/undressing to making the bed, washing clothes and being able to shave safely.


Social Skills: Where pupils learn the skills needed to be around and communicate appropriately with others both in school and out of school. This ranges from basic play skills to forming and maintaining friendships.


Life Skills: Where pupils have the opportunities to develop skills that they are going to need when they leave school to have as much of an independent life as possible. This ranges from basic table etiquette to understanding and accessing public amnesties.


Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing: Where the pupils learn the skills required to lead healthy lives, experience new sporting skills and recognise what they need to do to feel happy. For Physical Health this ranges from making simple choices around exercise, rest and healthy eating, to physical emergencies and first aid. For Mental Wellbeing this ranges from understanding basic emotions to identifying influences on emotional wellbeing.


Relationship and Sex Education (RSE): Where pupils are divided into groups based on level of understanding and sometimes gender.  The aim is to develop their friendship and relationship skills, as well as providing a vital insight into their own bodies and the changes that happen, the opposite sex, sexual relationships and consent and the law.


Curriculum Provision


The curriculum delivery will depend upon the curriculum pathway and level of learning that the pupil is working within. This will be clearly sequenced through the PSHE Curriculum Model.


The Statutory Provisions


The National Curriculum in England Framework Document (December 2014) for primary and secondary states that “All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice. Schools are also free to include other subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own programme of education”.


The Department for Education statutory guidance states that from September 2020, Relationships Education is compulsory in all primary schools in England and Relationships and Sex Education is compulsory in all secondary schools, as well as making Health Education compulsory in all state-funded schools. The parental right to withdraw pupils from RSE remains in primary and secondary education, for aspects of sex education which are not part of the Science curriculum. Content must; be age appropriate, taught sensitively and inclusively, be respectful of backgrounds and beliefs, provide pupils with the knowledge they need of the law (Department for Education, 2018). Department for Education guidance:


Relationships Education

Relationships and Sex Education

Health Education

All schools providing primary education, including all-through schools and middle schools

All schools providing secondary education, including all-through schools and middle schools

All maintained schools including schools with a sixth form, academies, free schools, non-maintained special schools and alternative provision, including pupil referral units.


Documents that inform the school’s RSE policy include:


  • Education Act (1996)
  • Learning and Skills Act (2000)
  • Education and Inspections Act (2006)
  • Equality Act (2010),
  • Supplementary Guidance SRE for the 21st century (2014)
  • Keeping children safe in education – Statutory safeguarding guidance (2016)
  • Children and Social Work Act (2017)


Safeguarding and Confidentiality


All staff need to be aware that effective RSE, which brings an understanding of what is and is not acceptable in a relationship, may lead to disclosure of a child protection issue. Any person receiving an allegation, observing evidence or identifying a suspicion of abuse is to be known as an alerter. Upon receipt of a disclosure or the raising of a concern, alerters must refer to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. A member of staff cannot promise confidentiality if concerns exist.


For further information on Safeguarding and Confidentiality, please refer to the Winchelsea School Safeguarding Policy on the school website.


Explorers and Seekers


We teach PSHE in the Explorers and Seekers classes as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. At this stage we relate the PSHE and Citizenship aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).  Our teaching in PSHE matches the aim of developing a child’s personal, emotional and social development as set out in the ELGs.  We also support citizenship education in reception classes when we teach “how to develop a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world”.


Discovery and Enquirers


Pupils have at least three timetabled lessons (2 hours) of PSHE per week. We also teach PSHE as an integral part of all curriculum areas covered during the year. In addition to this, pupils at Year 7 and beyond have a careers lesson once a week and as part of this provision RSE lessons take place weekly for three terms of the year.




PSHE is delivered to Navigators through their chosen accreditation. The RSE and drugs education modules are delivered by class teachers weekly for two terms each year. In addition to this pupils also have a careers lesson and follow an accreditation in ‘Employability’, this covers some aspects of careers and financial management in preparation for their futures.


Impact: Monitoring and Assessment


Due to the practical, skills-based nature of PSHE and RSE, progress is monitored electronically through Evidence for Learning or through Evidence of Learning forms that focus on key skills every half term. This will form the bases of the evidence of pupils’ learning and understanding and replace some of the work previously seen in books.  For example, the pupils may spend half a term developing road safety skills, there will then be an Evidence of Learning form that clearly details the progress and celebrates the achievements a pupil has made in this area.  When teaching PSHE we take into account the targets set for the children in their Pupil Plan Targets. This is particularly evident in RSE, where staff circulate specific targets linked to these lessons.


Pupil progress is recorded on individual pupil learning ladders, which consist of descriptors that form the basis for teachers’ evaluation of progress. Teachers record whether pupils have Experienced (E), are Developing (D), or have Achieved (A) each statement. This allows us to clearly map pupils’ strengths and areas for development, to make sure learning is sequential and progressive in preparing our pupils for life beyond Winchelsea. The PSHE co-ordinator gathers feedback from teachers during PSHE curriculum development sessions.


Assessment of PSHE is through the recording of progress using our own assessment tool that has been created to show progress in more breadth. Progress is reported to parents/carers at the end of each term using this document, which will go up through the school with the child until they leave. This system enables consistent progress to be shown from when they start at school to when they leave and also ensures that any gaps in learning are focused on and not missed.     


The Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum


Definition of RSE


RSE is defined as a life-long process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs and values about sexual identity, relationships and intimacy (Primary School Workbook: Teaching Sex Education in the National Curriculum – Lenderyou 1993).


We recognise that RSE has an instrumental role to play with our pupils. They need more help in coping with the physical and emotional aspects of growing up and learning about appropriate behaviours. We recognise the importance of working closely with our parents and carers, so educate and support their child to cope with the emotional and physical aspects of moving into adolescence and adulthood. In the teaching of this subject we promote pupils respect for themselves and others, whilst supporting the transition from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood.


All those who teach aspects of RSE within school, including visitors, are expected to be guided by a framework representing the values and overarching aims held in common by the whole school community. The teaching of RSE is intended to encourage pupils to:


  • To make pupils aware that meaningful relationships are built on trust;
  • To recognise the need for responsible and caring relationships within the family unit;
  • The exploration of both personal and collective attitudes and feelings;
  • The acknowledgement of peer group pressure and the associated moral dilemmas;
  • The acquisition of knowledge relating to personal health and keeping safe;
  • The encouragement and development of positive decision making skills;
  • The recognition of a range of options;
  • Acknowledging the effect of lifestyles and one’s actions;
  • The acceptance of one’s own and others sexuality;
  • Learning to give and receive support;
  • Value and respect themselves;
  • Value and respect others and
  • Value and respect differences in people’s religion, culture, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability and social background.


Delivery of RSE


Relationship and Sex Education is taught for three six-week blocks each year. Teachers are provided with a Subject Content Plan each term, detailing specific topics that should be covered and further details such as practical teaching activities and useful resources. This ensures coverage and progression for all pupils, but can also be adapted to suit individual learning needs and areas that are most important to them. In addition, teachers are required to assess pupils’ current knowledge and understanding against the RSE descriptors, then liaise with parents, carers and teaching staff to determine the most relevant topics to cover with each individual or group.


Relationship Education consists of:


  1. Introduction to Relationships.
  2. Starting a Relationship.
  3. Developing a Relationship.
  4. Coping with Problems.
  5. When a Relationship Ends.
  6. Looking to the Future.


Sex Education consists of:


  1. Body Awareness.
  2. Let’s Talk About Sex.
  3. Sex Rules.
  4. Sex Aware.





Roles and Responsibilities


Governors                   Have an overall responsibility to be continually involved in writing and maintaining an up to date policy that is made available to parents and carers.


Headteacher               Is responsible for the implementation of the policy and liaising with the governing body, Local Authority (LA), parents, carers and other appropriate agencies.


PSHE Co-Ordinator     The Co-Ordinator, together with the Headteacher, has a general responsibility to support other members of staff in the implementation of this policy and will also disseminate information and provide required training relating to RSE. They also encouraged to contact liaise with parents regarding any queries or concerns relating to the RSE policy or provision.


Teachers                     Responsible for the implementation of the policy as well as planning, resourcing, delivering and recording pupils levels in relation to the descriptors for each area. Teachers are also        involved in the development of the curriculum and training is made available where appropriate.


Parents and Carers     The school recognises that the parents/carers are key figures in helping their children to cope with the emotional and physical aspects of growing up and therefore have more responsibility in preparing them for challenges and responsibilities which sexual maturity brings. Parents/carers are encouraged to support the school’s RSE and have access to this policy.


All Staff                        RSE is a whole school issue. All staff both teaching and non-teaching should be aware of this policy and how it relates to them.


Right to Withdrawal


Parents/carers will be notified in writing, informing them of the policy, the teaching content and materials to be used before the discrete units on Relationship and Sex Education are delivered in either PSHE or Science. Any parent/carer wishing to withdraw their child is encouraged to make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss the matter. Parents/carers who wish to withdraw their child from any aspect of the school’s RSE programme should notify the Headteacher in writing. Pupils cannot be withdrawn from any part of RSE which falls within the statutory National Curriculum Science orders. Any complaints about the content or delivery of RSE should be addressed to the Headteacher.




All resources for PSHE are kept in a central resource area and on the school SharePoint. They are added to over the year by all members of staff and sorted by the PSHE co-ordinator yearly. There is also a resources catalogue for each area of PSHE, which is circulated to teachers termly. This provides staff with detailed and up to date information about the physical resources that are available to support teaching and learning.




Department for Education (February 2019) Relationship Education, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education: Guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, Headteachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers. Draft for consultation.


Department for Education (2014) The National Curriculum in England Framework Document.


Lenderyou, G. (1993) Primary School Workbook: Teaching Sex Education within the National Curriculum. London. Family Planning Association.