Curriculum Impact and Pupil Outcomes
- Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding in each curriculum area, as outlined by the subject leader.
- Some of our pupil’s will be able to express their own views and assess how well they understand their work.
- Pupils will develop resilience to be able to overcome their difficulties and seek support where necessary.
- Where pupils are not succeeding within their expectations teachers will proactively seek to offer further assistance or make a referral to seek further support for the pupil.
- Pupils have regular opportunities to develop their reading skills and listen to stories.
In KS 4:
- Pupils will have the opportunity to develop detailed knowledge and skills through appropriate accreditation courses across the curriculum to allow them to achieve their expected outcomes.
- Where relevant, pupils gain qualifications that allow them to go on to the appropriate destination. (See qualifications and Pupil Outcomes section)
- Pupils will have had extensive opportunities to read widely and often to develop their confidence and support our pupil’s’ independence skills as they transition to the next phase.
- Pupils will be prepared for the next stage of their education having followed a comprehensive Careers program that gives them all the knowledge and skills they require to successfully transition to their next phase. (See ‘My Future Pathways’ section)
The impact of each curriculum area will be determined through different assessment opportunities at various times of the year. These assessment opportunities are outlined in the Assessment handbook.
Our expectations for pupil’s attitude and behaviour is highlighted in the next section, ‘Helpful Choices for Learning.’